Tuesday, November 12, 2019

MSAL acquireTokenSilent() and Azure B2C Permission Scopes

One thing that was not obvious to me when securing an Angular app with Azure B2C tenant had to do with using permission scopes.

Let's say that you have authenticated through loginRedirect(), but need to make a call to acquireTokenSilent() MSAL API from within your SPA app. Perhaps you are writing your own route guard or something... You need to pass an array of scopes to the method call. There are two ways to get this to work: 

1. When you register your app in Azure B2C, it creates a scope for it named user_impersonation. You can take its value (https://yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com/your-app-name/user_impersonation) and pass it to the acquireTokenSilent()method as a single-item array. Or you can create your own scope instead...

You may get an error back from the B2C when you call acquireTokenSilent() with this scope: AADB2C90205: This application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation. To fix it you need to grant admin consent to the scope through the B2C tenant.

2. There is another way. Check out how MsalGuard class is implemented. It calls acquireTokenSilent()with a single-item array consisting of the app's clientId which we've got through the app registration. That works without any additional consents.

So both ways work, but there are important differences between them:

In the former case, we are making a call to the https://yourdomain.b2clogin.com/yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com/yourpolicy/oauth2/v2.0/authorize endpoint and pass 3 space-separated values in the scope query string argument: https://yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com/your-app-name/user_impersonation openid profile.

In the latter case, the call to the endpoint is not made at all in my case. MSAL "knows" it is authorized as it has got the access token from preceding call to loginRedirect(). Actually, let's take a look at what Fiddler shows when we call loginRedirect(), specifically I am interested in which scopes it passes on:

  • In the former case it is https://yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com/your-app-name/user_impersonation openid profile
  • In the latter case, it is only openid profile

Here is a good description of the meaning of these scopes

With that, here is my takeaway: MSAL converts the clientId scope we pass in a call to its loginRedirect(), acquireTokenSilent() etc. calls to the openid and profile scopes known to Microsoft Identity Platform. It then also is smart enough to resolve calls for access token locally as long as it is valid. 

We can also present our SPA app as an API to the identity platform, create a permission for it, consent it, then acquire token for accessing it. But in a basic authentication scenario such as "is user logged in or not?", there is no benefit in doing so. It may be useful if we have complex permissions in our application and want to be dynamically calling different permission scopes we define for various parts of our application.

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